Daily Horoscope

  • Creative Energy Test based on research since 1989.
  • Discover your creative energy for today's date.
  • Our research shows that each day has a unique color signature.
  • Start Creative Energy Test
  • We take the unique color signature for the current day ... and compare it with the color signature of your birthday.
  • Your test results will indicate how much energy you have for today based on how close your birthday color signature matches today's date.
  • Example ... If today's date is your birthday ... your creative energy level will be 100% ... If your birthday color signature does not match the color signature for today at all ... your energy level will be 0 % ...
  • The results are base on thousands of birthday color signatures we have collected here at Colorwize.com.

Start Creative Energy Test

Research at Colorwize began on April 8th 1989. We opened the Colorwize web site at http://www.colorwize.com on May 20th 2000.

Color Cupid [Totally free dating site] was opened at noon on August 24th 2004. This was after research from our relationship test at http://www.colorwize.com/soulmates1.htm showed that those with the same color signature rated their relationship much higher than those who were opposites.

What makes Color Cupid stand out from the rest of the dating web sites in the world, is that you will find someone who has the exact same color signature as you. Our research at Colorwize.com shows that with similar color signatures you will like the same music, pets, sports, careers, movies, cars, colors and much more. You will have very little to argue about and a great deal of things that you enjoy doing together! As the world gets smarter, our relationships get better. Remember the saying "birds of a feather flock together" ? Well, those with the same color preferences flock together too. At Colorcupid you will find someone who is, "on the same page" as you.

We at Colorcupid.com have made it very easy for you to find that "perfect someone". We wish you the best on your quest for perfect love. And may Color Cupid help you on your journey !